Canadian Cities List

Download a complete list of over 29,000 Canadian Cities (from British Columbia to Newfoundland), in CSV or SQL.

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Easy to Use

You’ll receive a FULL list of all Canadian Cities in the format of your choosing.

Lat and Lng

Includes geolocation data (latitude and longitude) for each city.

Complete List

The most complete list of Canadian Cities ever compiled.

Fits Your Needs

The SQL Version is built with relationships, making implementation into your app quick and easy.

Complete list of Canadian Cities

Save time and money compiling a list of Canadian Cities by skipping that step entirely! Our list of Canadian Cities includes almost 30,000 towns, villages and cities of various sizes across all provinces and territories of Canada. Available in both CSV and SQL, the list is ready for whatever application you desire.

Available Fields

Includes fields for Name, Type (type of populated area: City, Village, Town, etc), Lat, Lng, Location (the general ‘location’ of the populated area), and Region – which is the Province or Territory.

  • Last updated: February 2020
  • Total Locations: 29,904
Name Type Lat Lng Location Region Pop. Area
Toronto City 43.7417000 -79.3733000 York Ontario 2731571 630.2
Ottawa City 45.3333900 -75.5842900 Carleton; Russell Ontario 934243 2790.3
Niagara Falls City 43.0601200 -79.1067100 Niagara Ontario 88071 209.73

And over 29,000 more!

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